November 16, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news lawnmower deth bullet for my valentine

Concorde Faceripper (aka Steve Nesfield, guitarist for British thrash/metal/comedy act LAWNMOWER DETH, has issued the following recap of the band's November 15th gig supporting BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE in London, UK at Alexandra Palace:

"What a great night it turned out to be, I'm still buzzing as I'm sure the rest of the lads are.

Things didn't go exactly to plan, we had a bit of a panic on the Friday evening when some of the gear we were going to use got stuck in transit. A few frantic phone calls and a Trip to Sheppards Bush later and all was good. Thanks James (ps, I will get in touch about one of those Peavey cabs, best sound I've had in years !)

So we roll up to the venue at around 2:30pm and it's fucking HUGE. The queue of people was already massive as well. Shit your pants scarey time.

So we get inside the venue to meet up with Pete and Kev, have a look around and really get the chance to take it all in. Mad ! This place was something else. Even better was the news all the other bands had done their sound check and we could unload and get on with one for ourselves. This was a real bonus, because in the days of old this would never have happened.

So, at this point I plug in my amp and turn on it on... nothing !

All the power on one side of the stage had tripped, and it turns out it was me that did it ! (my extension lead seemed to be the cause.. good start) The brilliant Bullet Crew soon kickstarted the power and off we went.

Next problem... the drum kit we hired was bollox (I'll not name names here.. but it wasn't good). We had to tape the kit together as the toms wouldn't lock in place, the skins were shagged and had a small rip in one of them. A bit of gaffa tape had to be used to prevent mid gig disaster. But all that aside, sound check went really well.

James from Peavey did us proud and off we went to get ready as the doors were getting ready to be opened. D-day was fast approaching.

Back-stage was kind of surreal. We were given a small kitchen to share with BLEEDING THROUGH, so I was greeted by the sight of Kev in a blonde wig one side of the kitchen and one of the guys from Bleeding Through doing some weights on the other side.

All to soon it was 17:15pm and we were ready to go, the doors had been opened slightly earlier than 5pm as advertised, but as we found out after the show it wasn't early enough for some who had paid a lot of money to come and see us to get in on time (more on this later). But by the time the lights went down, the room was looking pretty full.

The next half an hour was a bit of a blur really. The Hawaii 5-O theme tune intro tape came to an end, we walked on to a really warm reception and off we went.

I have to say sorry for the complete cock-up during '7th Church'. No idea what happened during that one, my mind went blank and my fingers started to play something else! Pete also got a bit ahead of himself at one point in this as well... but no-one seemed to notice :)

The Bullet crowd were great. Not as mental as in days of old but seeing as most of them probably didn't have a clue who we are they made us really feel welcome and got into the spirit of things by joining in with Mexican waves, Snails, EMO chants etc. For this I want to say a heartfelt thank you. We were worried that we would be met with a large slice of apathy, but you really made us feel welcome and we had a great 1/2 hr up there.

All too soon it was over. A mad packing away session was followed by a lot of beer with a load of old and new friends.

Most of us made our way over to the bar area to be greeted by a load of nutters in mower shirts! My voice is shagged from the amount of talking we did. It was a great laugh meeting up with you loonies and I'm really sorry to hear that some of you didn't make it in on time.

This was the real downer of the evening for me, Bullet did ask the venue to open the doors early and they made sure everything was soundchecked and ready to go so this could be the case, but for what ever reason it didn't happen. So I want to apologise to those of you who didn't make it in on time. I really wish there was some way of making this up to you.

Things started to get a little hazy at this point as the beer was coming thick and fast (thanks to all of you who bought us drinks.. hic). It was really great meeting all of you.. some old friends (Hi Ash!) and some new (Owen.. hope you got back to Ireland OK?)

I even signed someones bum. (please tell me you didn't really go and get it tattooed ?)

We also met some lads who came over from Greece just to see us.. now that is mental !.. Thanks Lads ;). There is some fantastic clips on Youtube that I will link to the main page soon (thanks to John Gurnhill for those)

10pm. Bullet were done and the doors were going to close. We said our fond goodbyes to the Lawnmower nutters, and off we went in search of more beer. There was a small after show gathering in a local pub, so it was a chance to have a drink and reflect on what was truely a great night out.

I want to thank everyone who made this happen, right from our close friends to the Bullet road crew for helping us out, and of course Bullet For My Valantine for asking us in the 1st place.. Thanks lads :)

At this point I should say we had an amazing offer last night. I'm not sure if I should say anything about this yet, but be assured we will say yes if it's a firm offer! Watch this space.

There are T-shirts available if anyone want's one. I need to count how many of each size we have left and I will post details here on how to get one soon.

So.. seeing as I need some sleep so I'm ready for work tomorrow (Rock and Roll) I'll finish this blog here..

Thanks once again.. and I hope to see you in a field sometime next year."



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