PAIN CONFESSOR Part Ways With Guitarist Vesa ”Wesleyer” Säkkinen

November 20, 2008, 16 years ago

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Finland's PAIN CONFESSOR have issued the following band update:

"The year 2008 was all rest for everyone in the Pain Confessor camp. We've been recharging our batteries but of course found some time to record a couple of demo songs that were released in June on our homesite and our MySpace page

After the demo we fell back into slumber. The urge to move forward grew within us and we found ourselves in the situation where the only way to move on was to let Vesa ”Wesleyer” Säkkinen go. We longed for the same fire that burned within us in the summer of 2002 when Pain Confessor was originally conceived.

All further speculation is futile. What's important is that we are very much alive and feel that we made the correct decision in order to evolve and boost the creativity and inspiration within the band.

All systems are go, new material is in the works. Still, it is too early to talk about a new full length album as of now but we are excited about our new material. We guarantee a new album at some point.

New guitarist?

We have chosen a new guitarist already. Although his identity shall remain a mystery for a short while still we can say we are proud to have him join our ranks and can't wait to utilize his vocal abilities and skills as a guitarist.

Official announcement will happen at our concert Friday, November 21st at Rocktown in Hämeenlinna, FI. Our new member will make his first live appearance during the show. We also have a good friend from HATEFORM/MORS PRINCIPIUM EST - Tomy Laisto to play second guitar for the show.

More to come in 2009!

Cheers, Pain Confessor."

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