THE HAUNTED Frontman Checks In From South America - "It's As If People Are Finally Getting The Whole Fucking Point To This Music"

November 29, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news the haunted

THE HAUNTED frontman Peter Dolving has checked in with the following tour update:

"I Surrender...

I'm exhausted, it's a couple of hours after the show we just played in Santiago de Chile.

How did the show go? It was insane. Really.

I want to thank everyone who have come out to the shows so far in both Mexico and South America, Australia and Asia. The love and respect you people are showing at these shows is so profound I have little words to describe it. I am awestruck.

I don't know what's going on with this record, but I do sense that something has changed in regard of our audience and us as a band. Something good truly good is happening.

I am so fucking grateful my heart is about to burst. The shows we've been playing so far this year have by far been the most intense ever since we started the band back in 96/97. It's as if the bullshit macho crap that was there for a while at shows we played is gone. It's unbelievable and so relieving. It's as if people are finally getting the whole fucking point to this music. To go fucking nuts. To just fucking lose it and let all the tarblack fucking ugliness out and be fucking done with it; TOGETHER.

An hour and a half of sheer undiluted fucking release. I surrender to this completely.

You people give me hope and reason and I can only say; Thank you. Thank you for caring. Thank you for listening. Thank you for hearing. You are fucking beautiful. Thank You!"

Peace / Pete

The Haunted's tour schedule is now as follows:


29 - Buenos Aires, Argentina - The End
30 - Sao Paolo, Brazil - Hangar 110

December (with TRIVIUM)

4 - Derry, Ireland - Nerve Centre
5 - Belfast, Ireland - Mandella Hall
6 - Dublin, Ireland - Ambassador
7 - Cork, Ireland - Savoy Theatre


26 - Stuttgart, Germany - Roehre
27 - Bochum, Germany - Matrix
29 - Hamburg, Germany - Knust


4 - Copenhagen, Denmark - Pumpehuset
5 - Berlin, Germany - Magnet
6 - Leipzig, Germany - Conne Island
7 - Prague, Czech Republic - Abaton
8 - Wien, Austria - Arena
10 - Milan, Italy - Zoe Club
11 - Winterthur, Switzerland - Salzhaus
12 - Trier, Germany Exhaus
13 - Amsterdam, Holland - Melkweg
14 - Paris, France - Nouveau Casino
15 - Brussels, Belgium - AB Box

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