F5 Bassist DAVID ELLEFSON - "I’m Really A Band Type Guy, Not A Solo Artist"
November 30, 2008, 16 years ago
F5 / ex-MEGADETH bassist Dave Ellefson if featured in a new interview with AngelOfMetal.com. An excerpt is available below.
Q: What do you feel is your unique contribution as a bass player in today's rock world?
Ellefson: "I have a style I’ve created that is very aggressive for a bass player. I think it originated as a kid when I embraced playing with a pick, something most bassists don’t do. However, because I had equipment that wasn’t very loud I created a technique and tone that allowed me to be heard in the mix of loud guitars. Aside from tone and style of playing, I believe my writing abilities (which are mostly from a guitar position) allow me to think outside of just the bass role. I’m really a band type guy, not a solo artist."
Q: Do you think your popularity will be more in Europe than in the States?
Ellefson: "I’m not sure. I will say that the USA is very trendy and because of that most countries outside the US tend to be more loyal and less distracted by the ‘flavor of the day’ that can be here today and gone later today."
Q: No doubt, you have influenced a whole generation of bands. How does that make you feel?
Ellefson: "It feels really good, and probably because it is not something I sit around and think about. I think it has more to do with being in the right place at the right time which was really a result of following my instincts as a teenager and young man. From there, I think not giving up and staying with my passion and dream to be a full time musician/artist hopefully comes through in all that I do."
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