EVILE Guitarist Ol Drake's Jaw Wired Shut For Two Weeks

December 8, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news evile

EVILE guitarist Ol Drake has written an update on his condition after suffering a blackout which caused a serious jaw injury late last month:

"A few weeks on now and I'm slowly recovering. Lost some weight from the difficulty in eating, trying to get energy back as much as possible. The wound on my chin turned out to be infected, so got anti biotics on that. Went to the maxillofacial.......thing at the hospital today (eventually got an appointment) and they've wired my jaw shut for two weeks. I was told this should have been done straight away (at A&E; in Rotterdam) but it wasn't. It's apparently slightly too late for the wiring to work to full effect (?) but they've done it anyway. I look forward to more inability to consume food stuffs.

Please send all two-week silence jokes to my myspace page. I allow everyone to laugh and/or call me Jaws"

With a wired jaw and a canceled tour (with SATYRICON, due to the deliberating injury), Ol has found other ways to channel his thoughts in some of the most metal ways possible. Here's a couple of lyrics he wrote to the tune of the JUDAS PRIEST classic, 'Breaking The Law':

"Breaking My Jaw

There I was completely normal, Rotterdam, 4 down

Ol outside the evile transport as we tour from town to town

Felt as though my body died, blurry vision now

So I might as well begin to put some concrete in my mouth


.....I Won't do the rest of the song..."

For more info on the incident and Ol's blow by blow description of what happened, go to the band's MySpace page.

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