ICARUS WITCH Pay Tribute To Adrian Bromley

December 9, 2008, 15 years ago

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ICARUS WITCH have issued the following statement with regards to the passing of BW&BK;'s close friend and respected metal personality, Adrian 'The Energizer' Bromley:

"Icarus Witch would like to express our sincere condolences to the surviving members of Mr. Bromley's family and the metal community in general for the loss of this iconic rock journalist.

Adrian was a sincere, energetic (hence his Energizer nickname) and supportive member of our scene. His was among the first articles penned when Icarus Witch was newly hatched in 2005 as he interviewed us for his Canadian staple, Unrestrained Magazine.

Details (though still few) of his passing can be read at this location.

You are already missed and always remembered.

Rest In Peace."

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