AVANTASIA Vocalist AMANDA SOMERVILLE's New Solo Album Out Now - "Yes, I'm More Geeked Than Usual..."

December 9, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news avantasia amanda somerville

AVANTASIA / stand-in EPICA vocalist Amanda Somerville has issued the following update:

"Hello and merry-merry to you all ~

Guess who's a happy girl? Oui, MOI!!!! Christmas has come early this year! I received an insanely large shipment over the weekend and I'm not one to keep things to myself, so I'm happy to tell you that Windows is finally and officially released!

Yes, I'm more geeked than usual, but I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that I deserve to be. I'm not sure if it would fit in a stocking, but 'tis the season, right?"

Love and nuts,

xx Amanda

The complete tracklist for Windows is as follows: ‘Mayday’, ‘Point Of Safe Return’, ‘Moth’, ‘My Song For You’, ‘Get Me’, ‘Inner Whore’, ‘Out’, ‘Carnival’, ‘Clean’, ‘Sometimes’*, ‘All That I Am’, ‘Windows’

*Bonus Song - only available on the physical CD; will not be included in the digital album.

Audio samples can be heard here.

My Song for You

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