METALLICA, GUNS N' ROSES, AC/DC Make Rolling Stone Reader's Top Albums Of 2008 List

December 12, 2008, 15 years ago

ac hot flashes dc guns roses news metallica

Rolling Stone readers have chosen their Top Albums Of 2008. The hard rock/metal inclusions (with Rolling Stone commentary) are as follows:

#9: METALLICA - Death Magnetic

"It's an overdue return to the extended, episodic whiplash of 1986's Master Of Puppets and 1988's . . . And Justice For All. James Hetfield's staccato-rhythm guitar and Lars Ulrich's drum-orchestra charge are right up front in 'That Was Just Your Life', and Kirk Hammett's wah-wah leads light up the mayhem with a '68-Hendrix vengeance. Hetfield's lyrics are an unflinching examination of the big finish, particularly the terrible allure of suicide — sung with the raging vigor of a man fighting for life. "We die hard!" Hetfield crows, summing up heavy metal's resurrection of the year."

#12: GUNS N' ROSES - Chinese Democracy

"Axl Rose has not lost his appetite for disorder. Democracy could never live up to every expectation, but it is audacious and unhinged: the mass of strings, choir and Mellotron in 'There Was a Time'; the Spanish guitar and blaxploitation funk of 'If the World'. It's hard rock without apology — which is enough."

#41: AC/DC - Black Ice

"Angus and Malcolm Young have not strayed an inch from what they do best: brutal riffs, soccer-crowd choruses and lyrics about rattling bedposts. What sets it high above the last 20 years of average AC/DC records: Brendan O'Brien's muscular production and unexpected rhythm change-ups."

View the entire list here.

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