PINK FLOYD - Rex Collections Photo Book Now Available

December 13, 2008, 15 years ago

pink floyd news rarities

PINK FLOYD fan-site is reporting:

Just published and in European stores now is the long-awaited paperback version of Marcus Hearn's Pink Floyd - Rex Collections, a 160-page compilation of the best Pink Floyd pictures from the extensive archives of Rex Features, London's top picture library.

From the nervous young lads, resplendent in their Carnaby Street finery, through to the serious musicians crafting atmospheres and moods through extended improvisation, to the polished mega-shows of the late 1980s and early 1990s, each section is full of treats for the Floyd fan who enjoys the visual side of things. Read our full review of the book here.

The first, hardback edition was limited to 1000 copies, and these sold out very quickly. This paperback version will be very welcome for all those who have searched for a copy of the hardback to no avail. The US and Canadian market won't be getting the book until April 1st, 2009, but pre-orders are being taken now for this.

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