AUGURY - Report From Canadian Tour With DISMEMBER Available

December 20, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news augury dismember

Munich-based has posted a report from AUGURY's Canadian tour with DISMEMBER in October/November. An excerpt is available below:

"Here is Patrick Loisel, vocalist and guitarist for Augury and this is our official tour report , and quite an adventure it was! We were in studio during the night between October 26th and 27th, and a few hours later we were in the van on our way to Sherbrooke, first stop on our third Canadian tour, this time with Swedish pioneers Dismember. Between now and then, enough stuff to pack a diary but not enough of it that I remember because there is just too much to remember already.

Our caravan includes the four Augury guys (Mat, Forest, Étienne and Myself) , the five Swedes (Matti, Mart, David, Tobias and Thomas) and our beloved support crew : Stephane Paré (the funny guy who used to front Quo Vadis and owner of Disconcert Music), Maxime Bellerose (official merch boy and guitarist of Lacrimae Mortalium ) and finally our commander in chief Mr François Ouellet (Augury manager and bassist for Urban Aliens), all spread between our Chevy Astro Van and the Ostrovan (a pretty battered Plymouth Voyager adorned with brown faux wood door ornaments that fell off within a week). For the first four dates, photographer Renaud Sakelaris joined us and not only did he take great pics, but also helped a lot with merch and gear... all the stuff that makes a tour fun!!!!

We were fully equiped, even with a GPS. That device is magic, it tells you which exit is the right ... the one we just missed!!!

Even before we left Quebec, the adventure started with Stephane getting mistaken for a terrorist at the airport while getting Dismember merch, lots of people to pick up and a hell of a schedule . The first three shows were with Symbolic, a local tribute to Death who are not only as good as the original but hella cool ! We soon discovered that Scandinavians were only serious in appearance because they have quite a sense of humour ! And they discovered that Quebec has some wacky people as well. We introduced them to some local wackiness with Normand L'Amour (an elderly nonsensical signer who says that Jesus commanded him to publish 141 albums in 5 years, the latest one entitled ''Heavy Metal of Love'' !!!). As a fervent disciple, Mat bought a bunch of those to traumatize inexperienced ears! The shows went well and the audiences had a reaction far beyond what their numbers would normally allow. I had a sore throat starting in Quebec City but and only latter in the tour did I stop sounding like the Godfather , thanks to Matti's advices. Dismember always give a tremendous performance with a different set every night (with much of it often chosen by the crowd) , the major variable between each of their sets being the number of pranks they play on each other."

Go to this location for the complete report.

(Photo by Renaud Sakelaris)

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