THE ANSWER - "The AC/DC Tour Has Far Surpassed How We Might Have Hoped It Would Turn Out For Us"

December 21, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news ac the answer dc

THE ANSWER vocalist Cormac Neeson is featured in Nightwatcher's House Of Rock. An excerpt is available below, featuring Cormac discussing being on the road with AC/DC.

NHOR : First off, as many will already know, you're opening all the shows for the North American AC/DC Black Ice Tour. How's the tour been going for the band?

CN: "It's going great. Honestly, it's far surpassed how we might have hoped it would turn out for us. We're getting really great turn outs for being a supporting act. Very often with a supporting act when you arrive in the arena there will just be 40%, 50% filled. But in our case, it's been nearly 80% to 90% filled. I don't know whether it's to do with the cold weather up north, or whether people are actually getting into The Answer, but either way they're coming in and enjoying themselves. It's a great opportunity to play in front of between 15,000 to 20,000 people every night, and the response has been amazing for us."

NHOR : You've actually been getting standing ovations, which is amazing for an opening act...

CN: "We are. It's quite a tricky thing to get an audience warmed up when it's an all seated gig, ya know? I find it much easier to motivate an audience when they're already standing, or already kind of grooving with the music. But in many instances people stand up as soon as we come walking on the stage. (Laughs) Which is great, because it makes my job a lot easier."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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