MEGADETH Drummer Shawn Drover - "I Will Reveal Nothing On The Style Of These New Songs..."

December 23, 2008, 16 years ago

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MEGADETH drummer Shawn Drover issued the following update:

"Today is my last day at Vic's Garage before I jump on a plane heading back home for the holiday season. Since joing Megs in 2004, I have had to do the not so envious task of getting all my Christmas shopping done on December 24th - I am so used to doing this now, that it's really no biggie for me, so I should have it all done and still be home in time for family eve dinner, etc.

My silent hope while I was here was to get this record "Demo'd" before I went home for the holidays, and I am hapy to say that after today, we pretty much achieved this task. I believe it will really help us, as we all get to listen to what we have done and absorb it all, so we can make a few changes here and there to make the record even better before we start tracking, starting in January 2009. This is a 1st for James and Chris to be in Megs and to see how Dave operates from the music's inception (James joined Megs after most of UA was written, if you remember) - getting the ideas what he has in his head to the actual finished product, though it's no surprise to me that they are handling it like the pros that they are.

I will reveal nothing on the style of these new songs - just know that they are 100% HEAVY METAL.

Be happy. ITS CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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