ARCH ENEMY Vocalist ANGELA GOSSOW Issues December Tyranny Tour Recap - "A Big Fat Thank You To Our Fans, The Bands And Our Crew"

December 23, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news angela gossow arch enemy

ARCH ENEMY vocalist Angela Gossow has issued the the following update:

"Hells Yes,

We had a blast, thanx to our wonderful German friends and fans and touring with a killer line-up, really cool people and the best crew in the whole world! Rene from MERCENARY actually took the time to write a review of the tour for my forum on - go and check it out!

They also got an in depth tour report on the Mercenary Myspace Page, plus their kick-butt version of 'Burning Angel' in their player. Listen and bang your head!

SISTER SIN are young, tight and simply awesome and their take on hardrocking metal always put a smile on my face and made me tap my feet. Watch out for these guys and gal - they will get to you! And thanx for getting our gear from and back to Sweden again! We love you!!!

LEAVES' EYES - I got to meet Alex and Liv, both very sweet people. Not sure if they felt 'at home' as they were def the odd band out and my death metal soul doesn't really resonate with their quiet tunes. I hope they enjoyed it nevertheless - I loved the diversity of this tour line-up and the different dynamics each band brought to the table.

Special thanx go out to Dirk Lehberger for making sense of the daily chaos, Clem Bennett for the best sound ever, Eddie for multitasking as drum tech and monitor tech (and being brilliant and never out of breath despite the heavy workload), Merch Chris for selling out our last stock and Swiss Samael Chris for a light show that left people in awe and hopefully cross eyed for the rest of the night! You all were wonderful and made IT happen. We would be lost without you and could hardly tie our shoe laces on our own I am afraid..

And a big THANK YOU to DORO for inviting us to her 25 year anniversary show! We had a short, but raging set and I hope she enjoyed her massive bash. I think the stress backstage would have killed me.

It was also fun to meet my old pal Pete (from ASMODINA and MISTRESS) again who played in Pratteln and Bad Arolsen with his new band ALL WE HATE!

Here is some random Arch Enemy footage from the tour.. There is plenty more on Youtube of course:

'Taking Back My Soul' @ Pratteln, Z7

'I Will Live Again' @ Uden, De Pul

'We Will Rise' @ ISS Dome, Duesseldorf

I hope you all have relaxing holidays and a great 2009!!!"



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