PRIMITIVE GRAVEN IMAGE Prepare To Enter The Studio

December 29, 2008, 15 years ago

news life in black primitive graven image

UK black metal bashers PRIMITIVE GRAVEN IMAGE have issued the following update:

"Hi all,

Primitive Graven Image have just returned from a great trip to Cork, Ireland where we played a set at the annual Cork Winterfest. We travelled up with EMPYREAL DESTOYER whom we share a drummer with. Awesome band, awesome guys... much fun was had by all! Primitive Graven Image walking through Cork City centre at 3 PM with corpse paint on was a site to behold! Look out for some PRO live footage from the gig heading your way very soon!!

After a year of writing, recording, scraping, rewriting, messing about and re recording, the new album is (nearly) done. I can bring you the exciting news that we will be entering the studio at the end of January to mix the album with none other than Russ Ressell (DIMMU BORGIR, NAPALM DEATH and countless others). So very much looking forward to that!

We will be looking for another label to release this new album as Open Grave Records is no longer. I would like to thank all at OGR for everything they have done for us. We would never have gotten this far without their support and belief in us.

In the mean time our debut album is still for sale at the Open Grave Records distro online shop for the silly price of $4... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR? - Open Grave Records."

Check out Primitive Graven Image at their MySpace page.

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