MEGADETH Bassist JAMES LOMENZO Checks In, Comments On Latest Episode Of VH1 Classic's That Metal Show

January 1, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news vh james lomenzo megadeth

MEGADETH bassist James Lomenzo has checked in with the following update:

"Hello Mega-Metal-urgists,

James here checking in after a long holiday trip up through northern CA. Did pretty much what all you do for the holidays, vist with family and freinds. It was quite nice to be away from computers and such and just focus on what to me was most important this holiday season. Everyone's good and I hope the same for all of you.

So, what kind of Mega-news/tid bit can I share with you? Oh, how 'bout this? I pop on my TVo thingy on my cable box to see what I've missed over the holiday week and click on VH1classic's That Metal Show. For those of you who haven't seen it, it's a weekly half hour talk show that's all about everything Metal. It's hosted by a dear old freind of mine Eddie Trunk of NYC WNEW Radio & VH1 fame and also features Jim Florentine and Don Jamieson. If you haven't seen it it's great nostalgia, kinda reminds me of hangin' out with my old Brooklyn, N.Y. cronies and shooting the breeze in a diner at 4:00am after hanging out at a rock club. Anyway, on this weeks past episode they played their weekly 'Stump the Trunk' trivia game in which some members of the audience ask Eddie a heavy metal related query and if they stump Eddie they win a prize. One of our own droogies, Robin asked Eddie the name of Megadeth's mascot. Eddie, a bit perplexed said 'Rattlehead'. There was some discourse over whether or not Eddie was stumped. but they gave it to him anyway. I think he didn't get it right, I think if he had said 'Vic' it would have been more acceptable. Hmm, maybe Ed needs a little education in things Mega. I thought it would be cool (i.e. ball-busting) if any of you out there who might have an extra moment to spare would contact Eddie with a piece of Megadeth Trivia. I'm kinda of hoping enough of you could inundate, er... educate him, so as to bring him up to speed. He obviously hasn't been devoting enough study time here and I'm sure he's not too busy these days ;-)

So what else? Well, I'm looking forward to the Priest Feast next month and certainly to tracking some cool bass stuff over the next batch of weeks for the album. I want to take a moment and give my sincerest thanks to some of my equipment sponsers over the past year, Yamaha, Ashdown and Dimarzio for being there and helping out when I needed it most. Some really special thanks go to the Rotosound string company who have been supporting me with my favorite strings for over twenty years and I'll be appearing at their booth at this years NAMM on the 16th of this month. I'll be sure to post where and when as the time draws near.

Anyhow, I need to get more organized (this years resolution) so I'm off!"



(Photo by Francesco Castaldo)

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