AVANTASIA - Picture Gallery From World Tour 2008 Available

January 5, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news avantasia

Ex-ANGRA / ex-SHAMAN vocalist Andre Matos, who performed on the latest AVANTASIA album, The Scarecrow, and participated in the subsequent world tour this past summer has posted a picture gallery from the tour. Go to this location to check it out.

Pictured (from left to right): Jorn Lande, Amanda Somerville, Andre Matos

Following are a few of Matos' video blogs from the tour:

(TOUR REPORT) - BRAZIL - Andre Matos & Avantasia

Japan - Avantasia Tour Report by Andre Matos

China - Avantasia Tour Report by Andre Matos

Russia - Avantasia Tour Report by Andre Matos

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