NAPALM DEATH - Pictures From Bucharest Show Available

January 12, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news napalm death has posted pictures from NAPALM DEATH's January 12th show in Bucharest, Romania. Check them out at this location.

As previously reported, recently had the opportunity to chat with Napalm Death frontman Barney Greenway, where he discusses the band's forthcoming album Time Waits For No Slave, due for release in Europe by the end of January. An excerpt follows:

Q: As is only proper, I gotta start with commending you on yet another monstrous album. The fourteen songs are some of the most harsh and aggressive music I've heard in a long time. Personally, I don't know how you keep topping yourselves again and again.

A: "Well, thank you very much. It's very nice of you to say so. You know mate, we just go into the studio with the songs that we believe are the best that we can do at that particular time and hopefully don't forget to add some spontaneity to it as we record and make sure to give it that genuine rawness. As long as we do that things generally work out fine you know.

Q: The previous album, Smear Campaign, had a pretty clear theme - religion. Is there such a theme to the new album?

A: "Yes, there is in a sense. The religious theme is still in there, it's less prevalent, but it's part of the over-all theme. Talking about a general theme, the album really is quite a simple concept. Originally I tried to make it not conceptual at all, but I always seem to lean toward these - some would say - grand theories or ideas. You know, we as humans spend a lot of time working ourselves into the grave. For some of us it's because we've kind of been conditioned to think that that is the thing to do. For some others it's because we believe we need to get as much money or other status symbols as we can. I think that maybe I personally fit into the first category. This is as much an observation of myself as it is of anyone else. And given that I think that we sometimes fail to acknowledge and appreciate the simple things around us, understand and experience what it is to take a day off and go and sit in the park on a bench or under a tree or whatever, and watch the world unfold around you know. Because we miss those things sometimes, because we're not looking, and I think in some ways unless we have that kind of understanding of the simpler things we can't really understand the more complex things in life. So I think it's really important that we take a step back and acknowledge that and perhaps do something about it you know. That's the concept of the album basically. It's quite a basic concept that perhaps you and other people have thought about yourselves, but then there are a lot of other things that branch of from that, things like marriage, religion, personal faith, the perceived role of women today and things like that."

Head here to read the interview in its entirety.

As previously reported, Time Waits For No Slave tracklisting is as follows: 'Strong Arm', 'Diktat', 'Work To Rule', 'On The Brink Of Extinction', 'Time Waits For No Slave', 'Life And Limb', 'Downbeat Clique', 'Fallacy Dominion', 'Passive Tense', 'Larceny Of The Heart', 'Procrastination', 'Feeling Redundant', 'A No Sided Argument' and 'Ad Nauseum'.

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