BIF NAKED - "Obsessed With BEYONCE's Ass"

January 15, 2009, 15 years ago

news rock hard beyonce bif naked

Canada's BIF NAKED has issued the following update:

"Namaste, Salaam, Merhaba, Bonjour and howwwwwdy-do to all you Beautiful People! I hope your Universe is showering you with bliss this week.

It was a fun vocal session for me. Most of the vocals, as you may remember, I did with my weetle bald head (and the stupid headphones kept sliding off!) And now they stay on! Yay [Bif had lost her hair due to chemotherapy treatments in her battle against breast cancer].

Other than that, I want to tell you I am obsessed with two things, this week: bananas (big shocker!) And BEYONCE'S ASS! Hahahha! I saw a video (remember: I don't watch much tv... so of course its 'new' to me, though I'm sure you've all seen it). In her video for her song, 'Single Ladies', it's her and two other girls in these hot outfits, dancing. Man! That girl is sooooooooo cute! Hahaha! I almost fell off the treadmill (which the tv was in front of, at one of the gyms I go to). I met her (and Destiny's Child) at Much Music in Toronto, a couple years ago. They were very nice to me. Someday, when I grow up, I would like to have an ass like that! Hahaha! (Rumour has it, boys like em... thus- my motivation, heh, heh) I guess I just have to eat more bananas.

I hope you all have a great weekend! I am sending you BIGTIME POSITIVITY and energy. Stay strong, y'all. Fight the Good Fight. Be well. Be loveydovey. Just be.

Om nama Shivaya. Om Sai Ram.




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