Former FREHLEY'S COMET Vocalist/Keyboardist/Guitarist Tod Howarth Continues Work On Solo Effort

January 16, 2009, 15 years ago

news rock hard frehley comet

Former FREHLEY'S COMET vocalist/keyboardist/guitarist Tod Howarth has issued the following update

"I am at work on the CD, putting in as much time as I can to get it completed - so far so good, and here's the plan of which I intend to implement as soon as possible. While I'm doing this I apologize for not getting back to everyone on comments, e-mails, etc. I do read everything but I just don't have enough time (or computer patience) to diversify the time between my studio and the rude PC monitor. (I know that it is in fact, mocking me)

I'll be completing three songs that I currently have in mind for the audio tease and then I will put up a short sections of said tunes for all of the patient ears that have been waiting for so long (including mine) to hear. This way you can all enjoy and/or chime in on what you think of the songs. This won't change any of my real direction of course but the samples also won't be the complete definition of the CD's overall mood. There will be some surprises on it, but the CD will be of a heavy nature - as heavy as I get.

Again, like 'Cobalt Parlor' I will be playing everything myself which serves up the personal challenge and sucks up the time...But the reward is immense, as is what I wish to give to the fans of my music - the most important thing in my artistic career.

The title to the CD is still a secret but we (Brain Sword and I ) have an idea of how to play with it here.

It will become a contest in the near future, thus I will be giving a few clues here and there. It's two words, and the real first clues are the amount of letters in the title and one of the letters.

The prize in guessing the title (when I'm close to completion of the CD) will be of the audio kind, plus maybe some personal musical item that I've really yet to freakin' plate is still so full damn it! I'm flying by the seat of my pants here but hey, that's rock and it's fun.....IF YOU GUESS IT RIGHT AWAY - please don't blab it - write to me, and then we'll proceed accordingly. I'll keep records of who guessed what and at which time frame!

Remember, to me, every thing's a melody, it's just how you voice it, arrange it, and seduce the listener's ears. Yes, that's it, seduction...yummy. I also wish to apologize for thinking that the free down load was readily available to you for my acoustic version of 'Time Ain't Runnin' Out' but I guess that mySpace had changed up that option....damn."

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