MEGADETH Bassist JAMES LOMENZO - A Typical Day At NAMM 2009

January 19, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news james lomenzo namm megadeth

MEGADETH bassist James Lomenzo has checked in with the following update:

"Howdy folks,

As you can see, we love to keep you in the 'Mega-loop' so here's my three cents from this weekends NAMM.

I arrived on Friday morning with Mr. Andy Sneap in tow, a pleasant drive was had by both. Dropped him off at his hotel then it was off to the Sheraton to pick up my badges. They were supposed to be left for me at the front desk. The concierge/badge dude took my name, went to the 'back', came out to announce the dreaded 'I'm sorry, there aren't any there for you.' Calmly, I used the time tested 'there must be some mistake' and re-spelled my name to which he immediately replied, 'Sorry, none there.' I turned around with a growing fluster only to realize I was face to face with one of our former personal assistants, Stephanie. A quick hug and 'Hey, how ya been' was exchanged and as I watched in amazement, she sprang into action. On my behalf, she wildly flailed her arms and pushed the con/badge guy to try and get to the bottom of it and produce my pass. I turned away again only to be face to face (well, chest to face) with none other then super-hero-bassist, Billy Sheehan! Billy says 'Hey, there's another Pearce player (a rare preamp from the '80s that we both use). I say 'Hey Billy' and we go into a quick conversation about those pre's which leads me to telling him about my signature pedal which leads me to eventually getting him one which get's me excited cause... (***shameless pitch alert***) I think the best should have the best.

All the while passes are being shaken and maligned behind me. Stephanie turns around and says, 'Here, take this.' I look at the pass and find out that the identity I'm assuming to enter the show is Matt Byrne's. I learned a bit about Matt by reading his badge. Matt is from Bensalem, PA and he works for a company called Hoshino USA, inc. Matt, I hope you were able to pick up a 'James Lomenzo' pass, If not... well, I guess I owe you tickets to a show or something.

Anyway, with Matt's pass in tow I, Miss Stephanie, her friend and I traverse to the show entrance. Not having a matchable I.D. I realized this could turn futile fast but, like any good P.A. worth her salt Stephanie assures me it wouldn't be a problem. So we get to the entrance and they're shaking down everyone and their moms for matching badges and I.D. I show them mine and do my usual look-them-in-the-eye-till they comply or melt. When this doesn't work I take one step back and let Steph/P.A. do her stuff. With out skipping a beat she screams at the entrance person 'His I.D. won't match because he's under a pseudonym!... for his protection!' Ticket person looks, turns to her supervisor, her supervisor shrugs and ticket person says 'Go on through' and we did! Thanks Steph! To be continued..."

James LoMenzo

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