EVEMASTER Issue New Album Update, Reveal Working Track Titles; Dan Swanö To Mix, Master

January 20, 2009, 15 years ago

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BATTLELORE frontman Tomi Mykkänen, who plays guitar in EVEMASTER, has issued the following update on the forthcoming Evemaster album, which features the working title III: Newtopia:

"Wow! Long time, no updates. Seems that time passes very quickly when you're having fun. September went and at the end we realized that Jarno (Taskula) had recorded all his vocals. So, I made a promise to the guys that I will have the guitars ready by the end of October (or November at least). Well, I was wrong. Seems that the life got the best of me and I wasn't able to start recording. So, finally I did some prioritization and started the work.

I have used my winered Gibson Les Paul on all the Evemaster releases so far but this time around I decided to go with my ESP LTDs (VB-400 for downtuned stuff and EC-1000 for the rest) and maybe Tokai's Telecaster for the cleans. I haven't added any acoustic guitars yet and I don't know if I will but I have 2 laying around so I'll use those if needed (Ibanez for steel strings and Landola for nailon). All the electric guitars are recorded through my Presonus FP10 as DI tracks. Those will be re-amped later when all is done and accepted by The Producers.

We have sported the old-school way of recording with the album. As the drums are pretty much one take with no quantizing or corrections, I decided to use the same method with the guitars. So, when you listen to the album you'll probably be able to spot some "errors" here and there. I think that just makes it a bit more "alive". I have used quadtracking for the rhythm guitars, melodies are only 1-2 guitars.

Ville (of MOONSORROW fame, part of The Producers) will record the bass early February and I know that Eve (of MYGRAIN, DRAUGNIM) has started working on the synths. Also Markus (of OMNIUM GATHERUM, MANITOU) will provide a few guitar solos.

So it seems that finally the things are moving into the right direction and the recording of the album will be finished soon. Then it's off to Mr. Dan Swanö for mixing and mastering. Yes, you read it right. Mr. Metal Legend Swanö will handle the mixing and mastering part of the album. And maybe something additional things but more on that later...

I will prepare part 2 for the studio report about the vocal recordings and part 3 for guitars (and possibly bass). Be tuned!"

The working title of the new Evemaster album is III: Newtopia. It is a concept album revolving around a dystopian dream or a fall of this one pitiful man. Working track titles include: 'Enter Newtopia', 'New Age Dawns', 'Humanimals', 'Losing Ground', 'The Great Unrest', 'The Sweet Poison', 'Harvester Of Souls', 'Fevered Dreams', 'Absolution'.

Further updates to follow.

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