BIF NAKED - "Death Can't Find Moi"

January 23, 2009, 15 years ago

news rock hard bif naked

BIF NAKED has issued the following update:

"Namaste, Bonjour, Salaam, and 'sup y'all to you most Beautiful Wonderful People. Hey, thank you for reading these insipid little blog offerings from me... I do feel and want to express my constant gratitude for you. I hope everyone feels empowered and positive, especially after a great week with The New Regime/Camp in America! Man! Our generation finally has someone to really root for! :)

I had a week of contemplative focus. I am ever the pragmatic grrl, but I do get daunted as I keep turning purple-in-the-face all the time. Just makes me fight through it.

Remember I told you my car was hit during the big Vancouvie Snow last month? Obviously, I had to get it repaired. Only took a day. So that was good. (Not that I don't walk all the time, but I do like to take wee babydog-old-man-Nicklas to Spanish Banks).

As I was picking said car up from the bodyshop, one of the nice guys down there gave me this button... he said his wife had battled breast cancer A COUPLE TIMES and always wore the pin (which says, I'M NOT DEAD YET) man I laughed! That is MY kinda humour! Eventually, she got her wings, like Anna did. Bless her. Om nama shivaya.

Her husband wanted me to have her pin. I was so honored! I immeditely pinned it to my jacket (with my ol' Minor Threat patch on the front) and I haven't gone one day without wearing it, since.

I often forget it's on, shouting its words to all eyes it meets. Mostly, people are 'offended' or 'uncomfortable' with it. Sheesh! I feel bad about that, as, it is not one of my usual deliberations-to-be-disarming, or anything. I love the message of the button and the story behind it! Fuck 'em if they can't deal, right? Is that wrong? Hahaha!

Anyhoo... I feel very strong and extremely centered, this week. We will be MIXING THE ALBUM starting next week and I will definately have a lot of news! Yay! Yay! Yay!

I hope everyone has a blissful, bountiful weekend and remembers to live with intention. I will make the same efforts and feel collective goals with you mindful peeps. Be well, be happy, call your parents (why the fuck not, eh) and pet a dog! Oh, of course, enjoy a banana!I am beyond in love with Medjool Dates, right now, and can only buy three at a time, now (because I WILL eat the whole container!) Have some dates.

Much love and highest blessings to you all,

Om Hare Om. Hare Krishna Om.



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