GLEN DROVER - Former MEGADETH Guitarist Issues Studio Update

January 28, 2009, 15 years ago

news megadeth riff notes glen drover

Guitarist Glen Drover (ex-MEGADETH, KING DIAMOND, EIDOLON) has issued the following update:

"Yes, I know its been a bit quiet here lately, but I have been very busy in the studio doing a few different things, most notably trying to finish off the song 'Egyptian Danza' which is an AL DI MEOLA song from his Casino record. Anybody who is aware of Al's music knows that it is NOT easy to play, which is the exact reason I wanted to record it!

Lucky for me, I have been fortunate enough to have some stellar musician's help me on this track - Chris Sutherland (KIM MITCHELL) on

drums, Paul Yee on bass and Jim Gilmour (SAGA) on keyboards.

We are all doing this for the enjoyment of playing music (a novel concept, nowadays it seems) and I have to say that we are all excited about how this tune is turning out!!!

You will hear the final product on all of my official web pages (MySpace page, as soon as I have completed mixing the track, so keep your eyes (and ears) peeled for that very soon. This tune is a pre-cursor to a full record's worth of instrumental rock/fusion track's I plan on recording this year. (My stuff will probably be a bit heavier, though).

Another thing I have been very busy with is my online guitar lessons, which I am really pleased with how thing's have shaped up in a very short time period. I have student's from pretty much around the globe who all seem to be having a good time with this, as I. I do have a few more spots open, so anybody who may express interest, you can contact me at

Serious inquiries about lessons only please.

And if that wasn't enough to occupy my time, I am toying with the idea of accepting band's who want to record here in my studio, depending on

how involved the project may be time-wise, etc. I am currently juggling a few different band's and my own musical project in the studio, but I think I can squeeze in another band or 2. Bands who may express interest in this, contact me through my Myspace page."

As previously reported, Drover is selling his Peace Sells, But Who's Buying, ESP graphic guitar.

This guitar was made for Glen Drover in 2005 and given to him by ESP guitars at the 2005 NAMM convention in California, for the ESP anniversary party. Was also used by Glen for all touring for 2005 and 2006 with Megadeth.

This is an ESP version of the LTD Deluxe M1000 and designed to Glen's specs. This guitar is an "air brushed" graphic. In other words, the real deal for guitar graphics. Easily the most popular guitar from Glen Drover's collection used while in Megadeth.

Visit this link for more details.

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