BIF NAKED Launches Online Store

January 30, 2009, 15 years ago

news rock hard bif naked

Vancouver's BIF NAKED has issued the following update:

"Namaste and most mushy lovey howdeedoos to all you Beautiful People! I trust the week has been stimulating and good and filled with positivity for you all. My week has been tremendous (Fragmin injections not withstanding) and revealing. Aint they all?

I have soooooooo much to tell you, many secretmostspecial announcements are coming - I'm about to burst!

But I do want to say: Yay! The online store is up! At this moment, it's just digital releases, but the store will unfold as it evolves every week. I'm stoked! But... wait for it... there's more!

Okay... we have been in studio, as you know, bustin' our nuts for the new album... and I really want to share some stuff now (hmmmm... having a wee bit of work to do on the whole, 'patience' concept).

I would like to give you a FREE download of one of the new songs! This will happen in only a few sleeps from now. Really. Yup. Uh huh. Fuck yeah, baby. Obviously, I will give you all the details as I get them.

What an auspicious time. I feel so lucky. Not that I didn't always, as you know, but I must say... all the work on the album and all the long hard (dirty soundin' but it aint, yo) months of being a living, physiological-n-medical experiment, is paying off in the current state of happy wonderment. I guess I'm just super excited, right now... and the best part is having all you fiiine peeps to share it with. Man! Now that is auspicious.

Big love,



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