LAMB OF GOD Guitarist On Touring With METALLICA - "At This Stage Of The Game It Was A Golden Opportunity"

February 1, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news lamb of god metallica

LAMB OF GOD guitarist Mark Morton is featured in a new interview with's Peter Atkinson. An excerpt is available below.

Q: How was the METALLICA tour?

Morton: "Very, very cool. It was good opportunity for us, of course, opening for one of the biggest bands in the world. We were really flattered for them to have asked us to come out with them. We had some great shows. When we go out with like a SLAYER or a MEGADETH or a band like that, chances are most of those people are at least aware of what we do. It’s safe to say that a good portion of the Metallica crowd had not yet been exposed to us. So for us, at that this stage of the game, it was a golden opportunity.

In addition to that, it was a lot of fun to go on tour with people who were our heroes when we were coming up as musicians and to learn first hand that they really are a great bunch of guys, really down to earth people, surprisingly so given their celebrity and their status in the industry and some of the ways they’ve been portrayed. They made us feel at home and made us feel welcome, and for that I’m grateful. We’ve got about 20 more shows with them next summer in Europe, so we’re very excited about that. So all in all it was a great experience."

Q: Playing in front of a crowd that was, like you said, not really familiar with you, how did you go over?

Morton: "We went over really well. We were, not concerned, we were curious how we would go over with an unfamiliar audience. To be fair, we certainly had our share of fans there every night, the Lamb of God fans were showing up and they were very vocal and very visible and we love them to death for it, but I could definitely feel the momentum of the shows. When we would start playing, people would still be taking their seats, and by the end of our set the faces changed from deer in the headlights to fists in the air. There were no train wrecks, no boos, no catastrophes, at least that I was aware of, and I think we won some people over. The thing about, say, Slayer is they are a very, very heavy band, very dark, very aggressive, and the music, at least to my ears, is a little bit similar to what Lamb of God is doing, so it’s not such a stretch for the audience. Metallica has gone through different phases at different eras, until very recently most of their modern stuff is pretty commercial, so their fans are there to hear that. But like I said, they seemed to like us and I know we made some new fans."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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