DC4 Guitarist Rowan Robertson - "I Want To Sit At 60 Years Old With A Stack Of Records Comparing The Best Rock Music Ever Made"

February 8, 2009, 15 years ago

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DC4 guitarist Rowan Robertson (ex-DIO) was interviewed by Guitar Legends recently about a number of topics. A few excerpts from the chat follow:

Guitar Legends: Let's talk a bit about your career as a guitar player, after with DIO you ended up in lots of bands in a very short period before forming DC4 can you tell us about that?

Robertson: "Well, I joined DC4, it had been a band before me- but as for all the things I did between Dio and DC4 - I could talk your ear off about why and how it happened, but everyone has to find their own way. I think its fair to say that I had to do just about everything to find, as Dio used to say, what doesn't work - in order to find what does work! I just love the guitar and I know what I can do on it well."

Guitar Legends: As a guitarist did you ever considered of making your own solo records, like most of famous guitar players out there?

Robertson: "I honestly haven't considered doing instrumental music ever - but I definitely want to do a guitar album one day."

Guitar Legends: What is your long term goals as a musician and guitarist? do you have any dream project? Maybe working with your favourite guitar players?

Robertson: "I want to sit at 60 years old with a stack of records that compare the best rock music ever made! Oh yes and I want loads of cash. Of course there are many greats who I would love to meet and jam with - you name it - Brian May to Hubert Sumlin."

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