Wisconsin's HEBRON To Open For MESHUGGAH, CYNIC And THE FACELESS In Milwaukee

February 9, 2009, 15 years ago

the faceless hot flashes hebron meshuggah news cynic

Wisconsin-based metal outfit HEBRON are set to play The Rave in Milwaukee on Saturday, February 14th alongside MESHUGGAH, CYNIC And THE FACELESS,

In addition, Hebron's recently released new album Resurrection, on Toronto based Misfortune Records, is at the forefront of showcasing Wisonsin's metal scene at it's best.

In the midst of their Midwest tour, Hebron are continuing a massive assault in support of Resurrection, a follow up to their 2007 release Spill The Blood of The Innocent.

A free download of Hebron's Resurrection is currently available at this location.

More on the band, including tour itinerary, at this location.

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