DARK ANGEL Guitarist Eric Meyer - "For The Most Part I'm Completely Self Taught"

February 19, 2009, 15 years ago

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The Metal Den's Randy "Rocket" Cody recently conducted an interview with DARK ANGEL guitarist Eric Meyer. The following is an excerpt from the interview:

Q: When exactly did you first start playing the guitar?

A: "My parents told me that they gave me a toy guitar for my 2nd birthday and I guess I wouldn't play with anything else, they said I carried that thing around for years. I was messing with the thing my whole life but I really started getting serious somewhere around the age of 12. I started my first band at the age of 14 called WITCH. I still have tapes of that shit believe it or not!"

Q: Did you ever take any formal guitar lessons?

A: "I never took any formal lessons. My Dad and the guys he jammed with would show me shit every now and again and they'd make me sit in when they played but for the most part I'm completely self taught."

Q: Who are some of your biggest playing influences of past and present?

A: "My first real guitar heroes were Edward Van Halen and Tony Iommi, quickly followed by Glen Tipton and KK Downing. After that, I really got into George Lynch for a while, then it was Yngwie, Jason Becker, Marty Friedman, etc... I really got into Dime around the VDOP era."

Read the full interview at The Metal Den.

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