LAMB OF GOD - Wrath E-Card Available
February 25, 2009, 15 years ago
LAMB OF GOD released Wrath in North America yesterday (February 24th) - check out a new e-card at this location.
Wrath is available as a regular CD, two-CD deluxe and limited edition vinyl.
Wrath is produced by Josh Wilbur and was recorded in studios in New York, Virginia, and New Hampshire. The album features the following tracklisting: 'The Passing', 'In Your Words', 'Set To Fail', 'Contractor', 'Fake Messiah', 'Grace', 'Broken Hands', 'Dead Seeds', 'Everything To Nothing', 'Choke Sermon', 'Reclamation'.
Lamb Of God have released their new video for the Wrath album track 'Set To Fail'. Check out the clip below: