OCEANO Guitarist Comments On Making The 'District Of Misery Music Video

March 3, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news oceano

OCEANO spent last weekend in Los Angeles, CA where they shot a music video for the lead single off of their April 7th debut album Depths, entitled 'District of Misery'. Directed by Patrick Guera (DIFFICULT HENRY, HARD ECHO) and produced by Brian Thompson at The Vault LA (MUNICIPAL WASTE, KILLSWITCH ENGAGE, AS I LAY DYING), the video was shot in a converted LA warehouse and if the band's energy translates as they think it will to the screen then this is going to be one darkly intense video.

"It went well;" said the exhausted guitarist, Andrew Mikhail. "It was an 11 hour shoot and we were rocking out for each of those hours like it we were playing a show." For those who have seen the band live, they'd know that what the band had to do was no small feat. Stretching the energy usually saved for a 30-45 performance to 11 hours requires a great deal of stamina for any band. In the end OCEANO pulled it off well, but not without casualties. As the lofty guitarist, Mikhail states, "We were all hurt pretty bad by the end of the shoot. I got this big knot in my forearm near the end of the day and Danny was in every shot, blasting for 11 hours straight. We were all sweaty and sore by the end of it. Luckily we were rewarded with enough energy drinks, vitamin water, booze and ibuprofen to go around."

The video itself will see Oceano playing the song alongside a twisted photographic interpretation of each lyrical line as it is growled. Being the only politically driven song on DEpths, "District of Misery's" lyrics deal with the government and the existence of secret societies within. "We play near a bunch of weird images that have to do with the illuminati;" says Mikhail, who adds "There are a lot of religious overtones in the video, too."

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