STRYPER Frontman MICHAEL SWEET Issues Update On Ailing Wife

March 4, 2009, 15 years ago

news rock hard stryper michael sweet

STRYPER frontman MICHAEL SWEET has posted the following message at his website:

"This is a letter expressing my gratitude and love for my wife, Kyle. Part 1 was written when she was admitted into Brigham and Womens Hospital back in early January of 09. Part 2 is a follow up of where we are now. Words cannot express how my life changed the day that I met my bride and the impact she has had on my life, my children's lives and the many other lives she has touched along the way. She is a living angel and the kindest, sweetest person I've ever known. I love you Babe.......

Part 1:

I’m sitting here by Kyle’s side in a room at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and I felt led to write this letter as some form of comfort as we walk through the darkest time of our lives. As you all know, my wife Kyle was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer in February of 2007. Standing by her side and seeing her physically and emotionally face this horrible disease, I’ve realized that not only is she the love of my life, she is an angel and the most inspirational person I’ve ever known.

I’ve stood faithful and hopeful in prayer through this battle, yet to see my love suffer and endure the pain and discomfort that she has over the past two years breaks my heart into a million pieces. No one deserves this, especially Kyle.

You see, she is the backbone of our family, a pillar of strength, and as unselfish as one can be. She doesn’t want any credit for anything she does but truth be known – she deserves all credit. She is the perfect wife, mother and such a blessing to everyone she meets. I constantly wrestle with the reality of this monster that invades her body and I can tell you that it’s been a tremendous struggle to see my wife so sick. I have felt so helpless and at times completely hopeless, but I know I must be strong for my family and be that pillar of strength too, as she’s been throughout our marriage of almost 23 years.

When our son Michael was born, Kyle was hospitalized for over 2 weeks due to a severe blood clot in her leg. I was on tour at the time and I would fly home after shows to be with her and then fly out to catch the next show. I remember that time as if it was yesterday and I recall how brave and strong Kyle was then. It was a testament of her courage and an example to me. She never complained and she picked up the pieces and carried on with taking care of our newborn son, Michael.

Kyle is also a very accomplished and successful makeup artist. This is actually how we met. She drove from Cape Cod to LA in the early eighties with a degree in child psychology but once there, she decided to pursue a career in makeup. Through hard work and perseverance, she went on to work in film and television. Her career had not even peaked and she chose to give it all up to spend 100% of her time raising Michael and Ellena as I toured the world. She sacrificed everything for us and again this was a testament of who Kyle is – a loving, caring, unselfish wife and mother. She wouldn’t have it any other way. She has given me so much joy and I guess I just wanted to give all of you a glimpse of who Kyle is and the character that she bestows.

We covet and cherish every prayer from everyone of you and I thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts as I sit here by my love. If you can, pray for Kyle’s body and immune system to gain enough strength to fight so her body can get back to some sort of normal state, specifically her digestive system. She hasn’t eaten for days due to nausea and it won’t pass. She’s very weak and I just want to take her home.

Part 2:

It's Tuesday, 3/3/09 and this is a follow up on my letter above. I sit here by Kyle's side again as I write this. She was transported by ambulance yesterday to Hospice. We've been unable to manage pain, weakness and difficulty breathing due to the disease that has spread throughout her lungs. When you write something about someone so amazing and so special, you realize after the fact that there are just not enough words to express your love for that person. My mind is full of so many thoughts right now and I wrestle with the fact that Gods will may be to take the love of my life. Taking care of Kyle and seeing on a day to day basis the toll this disease has taken on her physically, it's been very difficult to understand and to witness. Especially the pain and discomfort she has endured. Our faith is strong and always has been, but we've been broken hearted and living with the fear of losing each other here on earth. She's so young and vibrant and full of life. My pastor told me to love Kyle like I'm going to lose her but to continue to pray that god will heal her to the end. I continue to do so. I sat down with Mikey and Ellena a few days ago to try to explain just how sick mom is. They've known by seeing her everyday but I felt that it was time to share with them what the doctors have shared with us. At this time, Kyle has been too weak to receive treatment. There have been many complications over the past 6 weeks and from the time she was released from B&W; back in January, we've been battling a long list of issues on many different levels. We remain hopeful and faithful and I've realized more than ever the importance of coming together as a family and lifting one another up. We cling to the prayers that all of you have prayed and we know that these prayers have helped to sustain us throughout the past two years and for that we are eternally grateful.

I want to share a few more thoughts of mine about my beautiful bride Kyle. As I mentioned before about what she has sacrificed for her family, there is so much more to her heart and her love. She had such an amazing life and career before we met. She attended Colby College and has a degree in Child Psychology. She is one of the most brilliant people that I've ever known yet she has the most gentle, humble spirit of anyone I've ever met. She's so strong and so determined that she could accomplish anything she set's her mind and heart to. After graduating college she decided to move to LA and soon after, decided to pursue a career in makeup. Some of the films she has worked on include The Terminator, Wisdom, Repo Man, Teen Wolf and Ghost to name a few as well as many commercials and videos. Kyle was a friend of my dear friend and manager at the time, Daryn Hinton. Daryn asked Kyle if she would do makeup for Stryper's first video, 'You Know What To Do' as a favor. Kyle graciously agreed to do it and that is when we met for the first time. I remember hugging Kyle at the end of the night and feeling as if we knew each other our entire lives. I never felt that before with anyone. She touched my heart that night and was able to break through a wall that I had built over the years with her beauty and grace. She was God sent yet it took me a while to realize this. She stood by my side during an unstable time in my life and always loved me unconditionally, no matter what. I shared God's love with Kyle through scriptures and prayers many times, yet it was her who showed me how to love - how to really love someone. I asked her to marry me and I was blessed and fortunate enough to hear her say "yes". I realized at that very moment that she was my soul mate and the one that God had chosen for me.

After Mikey and Ellena were born, we felt led to home school our children and Kyle committed everything that she had to educate them. It amazed me to see how much time she would put into teaching our children. Because of Kyle, I'm the proud father of two of the most special kids on the planet. They are incredibly smart and more important, two of the kindest, sweetest kids you'd ever want to meet. Michael, Jr is now 22 and Ellena is now 18. They have grown to make us both so proud. We love you Mikey and Ellena!

In 2007 when Kyle was diagnosed, life seemed to cave in all around us. It felt like a terrible nightmare that we couldn't wake from. The news of Kyle's diagnosis came on Mikey's birthday, February 11th, 2007. Kyle's surgery took place on Valentines Day, February 14th, 2007. And Ellena's birthday soon followed on February 17th, 2007. Kyle was in the hospital for just over one week but that week felt like an eternity. I felt like my body was here on earth but my spirit was somewhere else. I wanted so badly to rewind everything and I still feel this way. If only I could. I would give anything......

I remember feeling alone during that time. It was difficult to pray at times, not knowing what to pray. Life had changed in an instant and all the dreams and aspirations that Kyle and I shared seemed to have vanished with one phone call. At least that's how it felt at the time. We eventually picked ourselves up and by the grace of God we were able to move forward to make the journey ahead.

Throughout I have seen Kyle's heart, strength and determination in ways that I've never seen before. She's never complained and always brought joy to those caring for her and those around her. Surgery after surgery, treatment after treatment and feeling so sick for the past two years, she's been an encouragement and an example of faith to everyone. I love you my dear and there is no way for me to repay you for what you have given to me. I hold you within my heart for now and forevermore.

Always, Michael

I leave you with this verse that is written on the wall of the hospice chapel:

The Lord is your keeper;

The Lord is your shade at your right hand.

The sun shall not strike you by day,

Nor the moon by night.

The Lord will keep you from all evil;

The Lord will keep your life.

The Lord will keep your going out and coming in

From this time on and forevermore.

Psalm 121

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