PYTHIA Photos Shoot - Behind The Scenes Video Part 2 Available

March 5, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news pythia

British classical-goth metallers PYTHIA have posted Part 2 of video footage from behind the scenes on their recent photo shoot.

Filmed at Abney Public Hall, Stoke Newington, London, on January 11th, the footage can be viewed below...

The band recently announced, "We are pleased to let you know that Beneath The Veiled Embrace is now in the hands of mix master Jacob Hansen (ROB ROCK, HATESPHERE, MERCENARY) . It's a great honor for us to have such a master at the helm. Please welcome Jacob on board at his MySpace page! We've heard one mix already and trust me it sounds truly awesome!"

More album updates to follow.

As previously reported, Pythia will support AMBERIAN DAWN at their upcoming gig at The Underworld Camden, in London, England on March 28th.

For audio samples and more information about Pythia, visit the band's MySpace page.

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