SAXON - "The Peculiar Case Of The Round House Tape"

March 8, 2009, 15 years ago

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SAXON frontman Biff Byford has issued the following update:

"The peculiar case of the Round House tape. It was night when Thomas (Jensen - Saxon manager ) and myself got to London a mist hung over the city like veil, we were sat in the back of a west end eatery which still smelt of tobacco from a by gone age (last year).

Suddenly the phone rang a jangling sound. Should we answer it or not? Thomas snatched at the phone 'ya!' he said in his German accent. 'I have a tape' the voice said. 'A tape' said Thomas. 'Yes a tape!' He’s got a tape Thomas said to me as I choked on a shrimp, whose got a fucking tape I screamed. 'Be quiet' said Thomas. 'I have a tape that says Saxon on it and its from the Roundhouse Studios. It looks very old' the voice said. 'Would it be something you would be interested in perhaps?' 'We might' said Tom. 'OK I want 50 quid for it if you pick it up tomorrow.' 'Where are you' said Thomas. 'I’ll ring you back in an hour with the directions' he said and the phone went dead.

As you can imagine we were trying to think what was on the tape could it be the lost Donington masters or some forgotten songs or maybe something we did before we were signed? The plot thickened like cold pea soup, it seemed like hours before the phone rang.

Thomas yanked it out of his pocket like a revolver only to find it was his the other phone ringing. Panic was setting in as he tried to find the phone and hurling it to the floor.

There it was blinking like a distant lighthouse at sea. 'Get it' I shouted. As we both dived for it, it slipped from our grasp and skidded towards the door and fell silent, we were gutted, would he destroy the tape or ring back for the 50 pounds ransom money?

The phone rang. 'Hi' the voice said. 'I have an interview with Biff.' 'Not now' screamed Thomas and slammed down the phone. 'Ok' (the voice again) - 'meet me in Spalding Town Centre tomorrow outside the bakery and bring the money.' Cash and no cops! If I see a cop the tape dies click he was gone.

To be continued..."

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