RISE AGAINST Teams Up With Peta2 For Anti–Seal Slaughter Petition Contest

March 10, 2009, 15 years ago

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Just weeks after Peta2, the world's largest youth animal rights organization, announced its yearlong campaign against Canada's annual baby seal slaughter, the effort received a boost from hardcore/punkers RISE AGAINST. Longtime peta2 pals Tim McIlrath, Joe Principe, Brandon Barnes, and Zach Blair - known collectively as Rise Against - will give two free concert tickets for their summer Canadian tour in each destination city to the peta2 members who gather the most petition signatures calling for an end to the killing. All winners will be selected before the tour gets under way and will be invited to a private meet-and-greet with the band.

Last year alone, the Canadian government permitted the killing of more than 205,000 baby harp seals. These gentle animals have their heads bashed in or are shot, and they are often skinned alive while their wailing mothers helplessly watch. The campaign to end the slaughter will continue through the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver.

"The international outcry against Canada's shameful seal slaughter grows louder every year, and now Rise Against has added its powerful voice to the chorus," says peta2 Assistant Director Dan Shannon. "If Canada wants to clean up its world image for the Olympics, the first thing it should do is call off the massacre."

For more information about the contest, visit Peta2.com.

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