IAN GILLAN - "My Solo Albums Gave Me The Chance To Wander Around"; Video Interview Available

March 11, 2009, 15 years ago

news ian gillan rock hard

Holland's FaceCulture reports:

Rock veteran IAN GILLAN recently released his new solo album, One Eye To Morocco. The singer who is known for being the frontman of DEEP PURPLE was inspired by a beautiful woman when he was in Poland.

Ian Gillan: “I was in Schindler’s cafe in Krakau. A friend told me all about Schinder’s work during the Second World War. Then an incredibly beatiful woman walked in and I was going: pfff. Then my friend was saying: You’ve got one eye to Morocco.”

Wandering eye...

And that’s just half the story. “In Poland the whole saying is: You’ve got one eye to Morocco and the other to the Caucasus. That’s the heart of the culture. In England they say it less romantic: You’ve got a wandering eye.”

Deep Purple...

“The saying means my main stream in life must be Deep Purple. That’s my main job. Then every now and I can wander off and have one eye to Morocco. That’s what this record is all about.”

Check out the video interview at this location.

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