HELIX Mainman Brian Vollmer On Rocklahoma Confirmation - "I’m So Excited I Could Almost Piss Myself"

March 15, 2009, 15 years ago

news rock hard helix

HELIX mainman Brian Vollmer has issued the following update:

"Much happening here in Helix-land. Although I have had a signed contract for several weeks, it is only now that I can announce that Helix has been confirmed for this year's Rocklahoma. This means we'll be playing two major US festivals this year (the other is Rock Gone Wild in Algoma, Iowa. This is a result of doing very well at last year's South Texas Rock Festival in San Antonio, Texas.

Yes, I’m so excited I could almost piss myself! Last week we got together with the new line-up for our first photo session and practice, all in one day. Part of the “new” line-up is a guy who isn’t “new” to the band at all-Doctor Evil himself-Brent Doerner, who played guitar for Helix from the band’s inception until about 1989. Brent and I are brothers from different mothers, having been through it all. Unless you’ve been there you haven’t any idea.

Other events on my schedule include:

Next Friday, March 20th: I'll be singing the American and Canadian National Anthems for the first London Knight's play-off game at the John Labatt's Center. They expect a sell-out crowd of 16,000. My family is coming down to watch me sing. The pressure is on!

April 20th: I'll be at Hillcrest Public School in Woodstock for career day. Seriously! 6:30-8:00.

May 7th: Tweedsmere Public School, London, Ontario. For those of you who don't believe I can read, I'll be doing so at Tweedsmere for the class of Michelle Hill at 11:45. Watch out kids. Think I'll be reading some Robert Service.

As reported earlier today, on March 7th Helix had their first photo session/practise with the new 2009 Helix line-up which features Vollmer, Doerner, Sean Kelly (CRASH KELLY) on bass guitar, Rob MacEachern on drums and im Lawson is still on rhythm guitar. Check out video below of the photo session/practice:

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