DORO - New Interview Available

March 15, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news doro

Vocalist Doro Pesch is featured in a new interview with Metal Team UK 'Zine. An excerpt is available below.

Q: How do you approach song writing for an album? As a band, as a personal idea, then work on it together etc?

Doro: "I write the lyrics and the melody and then the band comes in and records the tune and works things out. My band is mainly from America and Italy, so when I recorded ‘Herzblut’ in German language, I was not sure if they would like it, but they did and we recorded it as a team effort. On ‘Long Lost for Love’, our guitarist Joe Taylor gave me the idea and I thought that was great, so that is the only song where the lyrics came from someone else. Every song has a different approach; I try to have three or four weeks to myself to decide what I want to do with the songs. This album is more metal than Warrior Soul. I found a studio that I like to use where that album was recorded, I would have loved to use it again, but it just did not feel right for this record. You have to do good for the songs and for the record; otherwise I just cannot sleep at night."

Q: There are a couple of hard-hitting/heavy tracks on the album, what made you decide to increase the momentum on this album?

Doro: "I have to have the album right in my own mind, when I am happy with it then I can feel comfortable that others would like it. Each song has its own feeling and when I felt that I had the best album I had, and then I felt good. I just wanted to make the best album that I could."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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