GENE SIMMONS Comments On CMW Debate With Bob Lefsetz - "Anytime He Wants More Public Flogging, He Knows Where To Come To"

March 17, 2009, 15 years ago

cmw news rock hard gene simmons

KISS' GENE SIMMONS has issued the following update:

"Our Simmons Records joint venture with Universal Music in Canada is moving along nicely.

I was invited to be the Keynote Speaker at the Canadian Music Week event. Lots of kiosks, clubs and 500 bands (!!!) played around town. We saw DOWN WITH WEBSTER, who just killed. Love this band. Perhaps they will sign with us. Perhaps not.

Met a 19 year old talent in the lobby of the hotel in the middle of the night, in front of 50 onlookers. She started singing acapella...and I was floored. We are looking into this young talent and before we announce her name, we will see where this goes.

Meantime, the press (some good, ethical journalists, and others who simply rabble rouse) were there in droves. As is my wont, I respond in kind to courteous people and have no problem crucifying those who believe they can hide behind their blogs (and their mommy's skirts).

One case in particular, had to be punished. In front of an audience....because he wanted this, and apparently liked it. Not to worry, anytime he wants more public flogging, he knows where to come to. Plenty more where that came from."

Simmons is referring to the debate he had with music industry pundit Bob Lefsetz in the main ballroom at the Royal York Hotel in downtown Toronto on Friday, March 13th.

The entire "cage match" is currently streaming on the KnuckleTracks Online Audio Player - head to the left-hand-side of to launch the player.

Check out video from the debate below:

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