HELLSAW - Live Schedule Updated

March 20, 2009, 15 years ago

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Austrian black metallers HELLSAW have updated their upcoming tour schedule in support of their new album, Cold. Check out their itinerary below.

The release dates for Cold are as follows:

March 25th - Finland, Spain

March 27th - Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Benelux, France, Italy, Sweden

March 30th - Rest of Europe

April 7th - USA / Canada

Album tracklisting as follows: 'A Suicide Journey', 'The Black Death', 'Der Harzwald', '1°F', 'Cold Aeon', 'Psycho Pastor', 'Sulphur Prayer', 'I Saw Hell', 'Eyes Of Ice', 'Moonrites Diabolicum', 'Ache', 'Subterranean Empire', 'Wounds'.

Visit their MySpace page for samples.

The 13-track album also includes a bonus DVD that features appearances by the band at the Ragnarok and Under the Black Sun Festivals, and at the Le Romandie venue in Lausanne, together with a photo gallery tracing the band’s history from the very early days to the present time.

According to front-man Aries, the idea for the DVD came about from all the messages the band receives from fans: “Playing live is a big part of Hellsaw, and we realized that there are a lot of fans who will probably never be able to see us play live, but who are great supporters of the band and undoubtedly helped us get as far as we have, so we thought that including the DVD would be a good way to thank them”, said the vocalist.

Hellsaw live dates:


28 - Gleisdorf, Germany - Kulturkeller (Cold Release Show)


18 - Kings of Black Metal, at Hassenhalle - Giesen, Germany


23 - Legacy Festival - Dessau, Germany


16 - Kaltenbach Open Air - Spital am Semmering, Austria


8 - Party.San - Bad Berka, Germany


18 - Metal Invasion Festival - Ruhstorf, Germany - Niederbayernhalle

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