PRONG Frontman On Maximum Threshold This Saturday

March 25, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news prong

PRONG have issued the following update:

"Tommy Victor will be on Maximum Threshold internet radio this Saturday, March 28th at 8:20pm EDT. He'll be talking all things Prong and Ministry topics to include: -- Adios...Puta Madres and touring with MINISTRY
-- Power of The Damn MiXXXer

-- Worst of The Worst Tour

As well as a couple of surprises you won't want to miss. Go to this location to tune in."

As previously reported, BW&BK; recently received the following press release:

Prong to embark on European Worst Of The Worst Tour in support of Power of The Damn MiXXXer remix release on Al Jourgensen’s 13th Planet Records, Inc.

Power of The Damn MiXXXer, a brutally orchestrated remix album of Power of The Damager, hits the streets May 12th and guaranteed to kick your ass again -only harder. In this ever darkening New World Order, Prong is a refreshingly feral fist-fuck in an era of mediocrity. Artists ranging from Rob Caggiano (ANTHRAX), Virus (DOPE), DJ? Acucrack, to Professional Murder Music pay homage to Tommy Victor with their balls-to-the-wall treatment of Prong’s Damager material. For artists such as Virus and PMM’s Brian Harrah, Victor is a true pioneer and tastemaker that never bent or broke to label pressure or poseurs striving for fame.

Brian Harrah offers, "Prong has always been one of those bands that no matter what album or song you hear, you always know it's them. They have their own identity because of it. There's integrity and respect for a band like that in a music industry that tends to be filled with fakes." Not to be left out Virus echoes, "I was psyched that I had the opportunity to do a remix for Prong. It was pretty intense, and an honor, to have worked on this pioneering band's music, especially knowing the influence it has had on Dope, and many others."

Check out the dates here.

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