Experience HENDRIX CEO Janie Hendrix Joins Overnight America Radio Host Jon Grayson In 30-Minute Interview

March 26, 2009, 15 years ago

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The official JIMI HENDRIX website reports:

This morning (March 26th), Experience Hendrix, L.L.C. CEO & President Janie L Hendrix, joined host Jon Grayson on the St. Louis-based radio show Overnight America to talk about the Hendrix legacy.

Discussion topics include life in the Hendrix household; recent Hendrix releases; and insight into future projects including the February 24th, 1969 Royal Albert Hall concert, plus a series of new Band Of Gypsys projects surrounding the newly restored archive consisting of 19 original master reel recordings.

Visit Jon Grayson's website to hear the full interview.

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