EPHEL DUATH Guitarist Davide Tiso "Available For Your Band"

March 27, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news ephel duath

EPHEL DUATH guitarist Davide Tiso has issued the following update:

"In the last years, my daily need to create, arrange and structure songs has deeply increased. I have a lot of material that has not been used and that probably will never been published. To avoid finishing with tons of side projects or with the crazy idea of a personal label to put out whatever I'm composing, I made a decision: I want to work for other bands.

I propose myself as extreme metal arranger and artistic producer.

The arranger's figure is quite common in the pop scene, much less in the extreme metal. I think all this should change: it can be very useful for tons of young metal bands out there.

I'm basically interested to work on your pre-productions; my goal is to push the band not to a better sound, there will be a producer or a sound engineer for that, but to better songs.

I'll work in this way: once I receive the Pro Tools files of the songs you are working on, I'll feel free to send you back the tracks with:

-new structures (much or less intricate, it depends by the musical proposal)
-additional guitars and bass ideas, whole parts and ear candies
-a programmed drums as example of the direction I suggest
-a detailed document about the voice, following the lyrics word by word

I will work just with band I feel in my chords: given that I will be a sort of additional band member, this will be the only way to do a good job.

For more info and details about prices and schedules please write to davide.tiso.music@gmail.com. I require to consider working with your band, a minimum of three new songs to listen, a detailed bio and as many words as possible about which kind of goal the band is trying to achieve with the new material."

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