BW&BK Exclusive: BLACKGUARD - "I’ll Never See This Band Again Now That The Tits Are Gone…"

March 28, 2009, 15 years ago

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BW&BK; recently caught up with BLACKGUARD frontman Paul Ablaze to discuss the band's Nuclear Blast debut, Profugus Mortis. An excerpt appears below, with Ablaze discussing fan reactions to violinist Emilie Livernois getting the boot prior to the recording of the new album and being replaced by guitarist Kim Gosselin:

“You know, there were some smart ass people that made some really dumb comments about that. There were a couple people saying ‘I’ll never see this band again now that the tits are gone…’ – really stupid, immature stuff like that – and that the violin was the band, but fuck that. If you’re saying that you didn’t like the band very much to begin with. Yes, the violin was a somewhat significant part of the sound, but taking it away didn’t change our live presentation. It was never like we had to do a stylistic 180 because the violin was gone. So nothing really changed, but people were kind of spooked at the beginning and figured it wasn’t going to be the same band at all. Some people wrote us off, and look what happened (laughs).”

Go to this location for the complete interview. Check out audio samples from Profugus Mortis here.

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