KISS' GENE SIMMONS - Alter Ego Box Set Due In The Fall

March 30, 2009, 15 years ago

news rock hard gene simmons kiss

KISS' GENE SIMMONS has issued the following update:

"Lots of activity.

Finishing up filming Season IV of Gene Simmons Family Jewels (20 new episodes). It will debut in June. However, as some of you have noticed (in other countries), our show is played year 'round. We are seen around the world in many languages. Some are dubbed, some are sub-titled. From New Zealand, to South Africa. From Argentina to Russia and Finland. 84 countries!!!

KISS' First New Studio Album -- check out for all the latest news.

KISS' South American Stadium Tour begins April 3rd in Santiago, Chile. Check out for ticket info.

Just finalized a few new deals -- one for a new KISS book...and moving our Comic Book lines to a new company - one of the biggest.

We have a Financial Product we're working on that's shaping up to be (perhaps) the biggest venture we've ever undertaken. Can't say more at this time.

KISSteria, our TV Special for A&E; will air sometime in the fall.

We're also developing a new TV show (soon to be announced) for Network.

And, we are Producing a film that's about to start shooting in the near future.

Looks like there's an animation deal that's not too far from the finish line. If and when it's done, it will enable us to fund and own our own animated cartoon show.

Working on a new guitar deal -- that will bring you a full, musical line - Gene Simmons Axe Basses and guitars and Gene Simmons Punishers and guitars...amps, mics, straps...the works.

My long in the works Gene Simmons Box Set (Alter Ego) will probably see the light of day in the fall and (looks like) will contain 150 songs that have never been released."

Gene Simmons Pictures, Images and Photos

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