BIF NAKED Escapes The Long Arm Of The Law

March 30, 2009, 15 years ago

news rock hard bif naked

Vancouver's BIF NAKED issued the following blog yesterday:

"Namaste and Sussreekall and Salaam to everyone, on this fine, fine Monday! I hope today finds all you beautiful people living passionately and experiencing bliss. I compose this blog from the 6th floor chemo ward, where I sit, dutifully, in my infusion chair. Rockin’ my new SLAYER Vans, and yukkin’ it up with the nurses. I must say- I missed the peeps up in dis’ joint! Word! :)

Noop. Not 'benched'. Just an experimental new way to try and ensure no naughty cancer cells take root in me bones. Pretty cool, when I consider it. It is not covered by medical. *sigh* it is what it is. We shall see what 'side-effects' I may or may not experience. As I’m sure you know, I basically figure I’m 'bionic', or something. So... I’m confident it will be under-my-radar, so-to-speak. Heh, heh.

I did not attend the crazy Junos. Instead, I paid my respects to a most lovely girl, Denise Wong, with whom I was in cancergym and on the same chemo schedule. Om Nama Shivaya. Om Hare Om. I will always be blessed from the priveledge of knowing her. :)

I was also blessed, yesterday, by a hot cop who pulled my sorry-law-breakin’ ass over, for my naughty, illegal straight-drivin-on-a-right-only-turn. Sheeeet! My bad. I deserved to be pulled over, and I told the cop he nailed me 'fair-and-square'. Cuz he did. But then, after my 'Don Rickles' impressions, and tellin him about 'why my 12yr old, toothless babydog, Nick, was going apeshit in the back of my car' (barking) due to 'stress' etc. He let me OFF!!!!!! 'Beat it, Kid. Get outa here.' Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!! Yippppeeee! I was THRILLED!!!! 'I promise I will NEEEEEEVVVVER do it again!' I shouted, with joy. I am soooooo LUCKY! Yay! I am STILL happy, over it! Nice. Love it.

And, aint that jus like life? Fun to be had all the damn time! Even at this very minute, with the I.V. In the hand as I sing the 'Fuck The Port! Surgical Port is Dead! Ding-Dong!' song to the (humoring-me!) Nursies, and eat the brown banana I snuck in with my delicioso Vega Hemp shake (yummmmmm!), I’m having a grand Monday! I most certainly hope you are all having a Grand Monday,as well. :)

April is in two more sleeps!! Can you believe it?? Cool! Teeheee: can’t wait til MAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Heh, heh. (New rekkid, Baby!)

Be well and feel light and whatever you do: drive within the boundaries of the law!!!!!!!!!! We must all behave. :)

Sending you positivelovenergy and luck for a successful and happy week. :)

Om Sai Love… Hare Rama.




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