ADLER'S APPETITE Guitarist ALEX GROSSI - "Steven Has Been Talking To SLASH About Producing A Few Tracks"

April 7, 2009, 15 years ago

alex grossi rock hard slash news appetite adler

ADLER'S APPETITE guitarist Alex Grossi recently spoke with An excerpt from the interview is available below.

Q: You recently finished touring with Steven Adler and Adler's Appetite. What were some of the highlights of the tour?

Alex: "The tour was great! We had the cards stacked against us out of the gate- crazy routing, 22 shows in 25 days and an INSANE press schedule for Steven (including Howard Stern, Eddie Trunk etc...). We didn't miss one show and the attendance was killer at most of them. I am very proud of everyone involved and to have been a part of it. I can't wait to get back out there. Steven really proved a lot of people wrong and now I think he is seen as much more of a viable entity."

Q: Are there any more touring plans in the works with Adler's Appetite?

Alex: "Yes, we have some shows in Southern California area next week and then we head to South America in really May, followed by some summer festivals. There has also been talk of possibly doing an EP with this line-up, which is by far the strongest yet. Steven has been talking to Slash about producing a few tracks on it too, so I think it will be real treat for GN'R fans. We have been tossing song ideas around and there is some cool stuff coming out. Check out for all the latest."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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