Former FREHLEY'S COMET Vocalist/Keyboardist/Guitarist TOD HOWARTH - "I Have To Get Used To The New Sounds - It's Like Tuning Your Ears"

April 7, 2009, 15 years ago

news tod howarth rock hard frehley comet

Former FREHLEY'S COMET vocalist / keyboardist / guitarist Tod Howarth, who recently underwent surgery for a deviated septum, has issued the following update:

"Thank you so much for all of you who check in, leave comments and well wishes. I am recording at every chance that I get and there doesn't seem to be enough time in the day, week, weekend. There have been BIG obstacles that keep putting me back in schedule - I'm not complaining just once again laying out the facts for the curious.

I have temporarily moved the essential part of my studio down to the family's vintage car garage - yes it's huge. I'm doing this while making room for family members while they stay with us for a while.

So I have to get used to the new sounds - it's like tuning your ears!

I have been dealing with a lot, and I mean a lot of equipment breakdowns. At the present I'm recording of course, but I'm re-vamping my main mix-down speakers as I've blown the woofers out for some odd reason. It has been one continuous fix and break cycle but this can be the norm for recording intermittently. Anyhow, I do believe that I will have, maybe, some song samples, hopefully by next weekend. They might not be final mixes but when I think about it I don't think anyone is really going to care...


I have been lax in my blogging duties but I know that most everyone understands. The nose septum is mostly healed by now, with not much breathing difference but I'm not worse for the wear.

So that's it, I may sound a little scattered but I'm exhausted tonight. The tunes sound great and I'm singing lead vocals at the moment. This is a procedural process because even though the songs and melodies are done, the final phrasing of the lyrics in the tunes change up somewhat once I start singing them!

Good night and good morning to all and thanks again!"


Tod Howarth

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