Guitarist TOBY KNAPP On ONWARD Break-Up - "Century Media Were Being Very Inept About Things"

April 10, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news onward toby knapp

Ex-ONWARD guitarist Toby Knapp is featured in a new iinterview with An excerpt is available below.

Q: What happened about a year and a half back when you were being considered for a spot in MAYHEM after the departure of longtime guitarist Blasphemer?

Knapp: "The original idea was 'trial by fire'. I fly to Norway, quick rehearsal and then we were to play in London. All of this would have been payed for by the concert promoters, but they backed out at the last minute, but it was so close...very painful.

Q: You have also stayed busy the last few years with a brief Onward reunion and two amazing solo albums Polarizing Lines and Misanthropy Divine. Where do you find the time?

Knapp: "During those albums there was plenty of time, during Polarizing nothing was going on and Misanthropy I just recorded when I had time and inspiration, so it took awhile. It is doing pretty well in Europe at the moment...and Polarizing Lines is getting into the shred community and alot of top shredders think it's a masterpiece, so I'm happy about that.

Q: The Onward albums were so kick ass. I heard that the split with Century Media was the main reason Onward broke up. What was the story behind that?

Knapp: "Onward's breakup was so typical, personality clashes and musical differences. Michael was from the MANOWAR camp, I was from the LED ZEPPELIN camp and the label Century Media were being very inept about things. I think any CM artist can back that up. They love you if you're doing good, they play games if they see a problem or the word 'money' is brought up."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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