MEGADETH's Dave Mustaine - "I Almost Feel Like Not Playing Any Solos"

April 11, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news megadeth

MEGADETH'S Dave Mustaine has issued the following blog:



Don't you just hate when you wake up and there is a song in your head, and then ten minutes later, you say, "I wonder what ever happened to those guys," and then later in the day, you find your friends screaming, "SHUT THE F*CK UP" because you have been singing the song that you woke up to?

I used to love to torment (drummer) Nick Menza when we would tour. He was not a good traveler, and complained a lot (like we all do), and I liked to set him off when I could because everything was such a drama. One way that I did this on one of the Euro tours we did. When I would get up, when the bus arrived to wherever we were supposed to be that next stop, I would hum this song by a Black Female house music singer from the UK.

Imagine if you will the words, "LA - DA - DEE, LA - DA - DA," over and over, with a slight nasally twang and a bit of an east coast thang like Curly Howard of the Three Stooges would sing.

It just took one verse of this song and Nick was gone.

So, it stands to reason, that whenever I get around people that spout out clichés and whatnot (like myself) I will hear a song title by someone that was a rock anthem and was about the oncoming weekend, there are only so many good weekend songs.

Everybody's working for the weekend, hay-e-hay!

OK, so Andy Sneap is being shuttled by my good friends in the blue sky over to start the remainder of the Th studio record. He will be here tonight at 7:30 and will arrive in Oceanside by 9:30 no doubt. I am going to surprise him and have some of his favorite sushi and some booze waiting. We tried to sneak his girlfriend over, but couldn't swing it, so the next-door neighbor's cat will have to do.

All kidding aside, I am really looking forward to seeing Andy. And I heard a solo that Chris (Broderick) sent me yesterday that is so smoking that I can't wait until we see what he does for the whole record.

I almost feel like not playing any solos and letting him do them all.

I have to get ready for Easter activities, and I hope that you all can take the time out today to spend some time with someone you care for, and to do something that makes you feel good. I know that I am doing and feeling good. In fact, if I told you how great things are, you would think I am a braggart or a liar.

So I will leave you with this, I have never been prouder of my band, more excited about a record, more in love with my wife, more possessive of my family, or more ready to kick some ass!

Four tour dates are coming this summer.

Stay tuned here and with audio updates from

Dave Mustaine

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