HAMMERFALL Bassist FREDRIK LARSSON - "I Never Regretted That I Left (The Band), But At The Same Time There Was No Question That I Would Return When I Got The Call"

April 19, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news hammerfall fredrik larsson

HAMMERFALL bassist Fredrik Larsson is featured in a new interview with MetalAsylum.net. An excerpt is available below.

Q: Tell us about the new album. What direction did the band want to take the music?

Fredrik: "I don’t think that there’s ever been an agenda on which direction we should take. I mean, of course we have frames and boundaries where the music must fit into but it’s '80s heavy metal we’re talking about. The music comes from the heart and you pretty much know if it’s gonna fit or not. The new album, No Sacrifice, No Victory is definitely in the same vein as previous albums but I think the whole band had a big vitamin injection with me and guitarist Pontus as new members in the band."

Q: Why did you return to Hammerfall?

Fredrik: "I never regretted that I left but at the same time there was no question about it that I would take the chance to return when I got the call. It felt so good to be back in the rehearsal with the guys and it didn’t feel like it was 10 years since the last time, more like 10 months."

Q: Did you follow the band’s career after you left?

Feedrik: "Oscar sent me a couple of records and of course I read about them in the magazines. It was great seeing that they were doing so good, I wished them all the best with their career."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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